Amanda Wright Hypnotherapy

Change Your Mind Change Your Life - You're Worth It

Podcast 10: the hype around VGB

0:00:11 – (Amanda Wright): Amanda Wright Podcast. This is your special time you’re listening to the official podcast of Amanda Wright. This is your special time sharing suggestion and insight for your happier, healthier inspired life. I’m coming to you today from Perth in beautiful sunny Western Australia. Nobody wants anything from you right now, so tune in and enjoy this episode. You’ll find me on au and on all the podcast channels.

0:00:55 – (Amanda Wright): Hypnogenie is spelled H-Y-P-N-O-G-E-N-I-E. Amanda wright podcast.

0:01:05 – (Richard Sinclair): Hello and welcome to another edition of this is Your Special Time with renowned hypnotherapist Amanda Wright, a specialist in weight loss anxiety, ADHD for children and teens, and sleep issues. I’m your host, Richard Sinclair, and in this episode we’ll be looking at the fascinating new breakthrough in weight loss, the Virtual Gastric Band Program. Good evening, Amanda.

0:01:31 – (Amanda Wright): Good evening, Richard.

0:01:33 – (Richard Sinclair): It’s a real pleasure to have you with us tonight. So Amanda, I understand that there’s been a real increase in awareness around the Virtual Gastric Band program, and I believe it’s even featured on a television program. Can you tell us some more about that?

0:01:49 – (Amanda Wright): Oh, yes, Richard. It’s always good for me to see that the Virtual Gastric Band program is getting some airplay. It’s not the first time that it’s been featured in TV programs, but recently it’s been featured in show in Perth. This pioneering program developed by Sheila Granger has been around for nearly ten years, probably close to eleven now. And there’s been a huge transformation in people’s weight right across the globe.

0:02:25 – (Amanda Wright): Probably about 10,000 people by now. This program was developed by the renowned hypnotherapist Sheila Granger, and I meet with Sheila Granger each week on an online session where we talk about weight loss and all things hypnosis. This program of Sheila Granger’s is very supportive for practitioners like me who do the Virtual Gastric Band weight loss because we are totally up to date with all the latest successes that there’ve been all around the world.

0:03:03 – (Richard Sinclair): So this is a program with so many advantages over traditional weight loss methods. Could you tell us what exactly is Virtual Gastric Band, or VGB, we might call it?

0:03:15 – (Amanda Wright): Certainly, Richard. It will be my pleasure. The Virtual Gastric Band technique is a non surgical procedure that uses the power of suggestion to convince the mind that your stomach is full after a small amount of food. The technique is used to help individuals change their eating habits without restriction or deprivation, but by fostering healthier relationships with food. The virtual gastric band program is not a diet. We don’t count calories jump on scales all the time. But it’s a remarkable weight loss solution that changes the way you think about food and encourages a safe state, a sustainable state, by changing your ideas about food and habits to healthier habits.

0:04:11 – (Richard Sinclair): That’s incredible, Amanda. So many people will have heard of the actual Gastric Band as a last resort, some might say in a desperate measure to lose weight. How does your program differ from that Gastric Band?

0:04:26 – (Amanda Wright): Well, that’s a great question, Richard. The advantages of the Virtual Gastric Band program over surgical interventions are quite significant. Here’s a few that you need to be aware of. First of all, there’s no surgical risks, so you’re not actually having surgery. It’s using the power of your mind to create this. So no surgical risks are involved, therefore no recovery time or risk of infection or other side effects.

0:04:58 – (Amanda Wright): It’s a psychological shift. The program focuses on changing your relationship with food at a subconscious level. That’s the beauty of the program. It’s not just about eating less. It’s about learning to enjoy eating in a healthier way. This program also has long term success because it addresses the root cause of overeating and your eating habits, things that you’ve probably not considered before. The virtual gastric band program provides long term results.

0:05:32 – (Amanda Wright): It’s not a quick fix, it’s a lasting solution. It’s very cost effective. The Gastric Band surgery is quite costly, and the Virtual Gastric Band program allows you a far more affordable alternative. It provides a lot of empowerment to people as they take back control of their health and well being. It encourages a sense of personal responsibility and control, which is often more rewarding and effective for long term success.

0:06:09 – (Amanda Wright): And last but not least, there’s a supportive community around the Virtual Gastric Band program. There’s people all around the world. And here in Perth, I have my own group of people who share their success stories, tips and encouragement about making weight loss a supportive, positive journey, not something where you’re working alone on these solutions. So there’s just a few reasons of why this program is so successful and.

0:06:41 – (Richard Sinclair): The advantages that’s very convincing. Amanda, what about other weight loss programs that people might have heard about? Weight loss classes and food supply programs, that kind of thing?

0:06:55 – (Amanda Wright): Interestingly, Richard. People have often tried everything, or they’ve tried everything before they come to me. So they have tried the various weight loss groups that are around. They have tried some of those meal programs. But unless the habit of eating and the root cause behind the overeating or the retaining weight is dealt with, these problems can still exist. I even have people who come to me when they’ve had the band surgery, and after some years, they come to me because they realize that they need a psychological shift.

0:07:36 – (Amanda Wright): They need to change their relationship with food at a subconscious level so that it is sustainable. And these people have achieved those shifts in their mindset and become successful in reducing and sustaining the weight loss.

0:07:53 – (Richard Sinclair): Very interesting. Amanda. What are the benefits of Virtual Gastric Band for people who’ve come to you for your program?

0:08:01 – (Amanda Wright): Well, Richard, people reduce their weight. That’s the reason they come. And they can sustain that weight loss because they take on better healthier habits. A lot of people report that their overall health has improved. Certainly they report that they have learned to relax more and really get a sense of the things that sit behind their weight loss, some of the underlying causes, and they can deal with those.

0:08:31 – (Amanda Wright): It has a very quick turnaround time. Within four weeks, people are on the road to being able to self manage their weight loss journey. And that’s very effective. The program is a four week program, and I’m here to support people if they want to do more ongoing. So there’s a community of people to work with. It’s easy, it’s safe, it’s effective. And it’s not just something that happens here in Perth.

0:09:05 – (Amanda Wright): It’s a program that’s a renowned program. It’s all around the world. So people come to me when they really have a compelling reason to want to reduce their weight, and that is the benefit. I support them to achieve the goals by painting a picture of what their future will look like. And the subconscious mind works toward that picture. It’s very rewarding for me, and it’s very rewarding for the people who come.

0:09:34 – (Amanda Wright): We often have a lot of fun along the way. And people say that that’s something they’ve never felt when they’ve done other diets and weight loss programs.

0:09:46 – (Richard Sinclair): I’ve heard you say, Amanda, that this program is definitely not a diet. Could you explain that a little bit more, please?

0:09:55 – (Amanda Wright): Sure. Richard this isn’t somewhere where I give nutritional advice and we count calories and get people to measure themselves week by week based on what the numbers say on the scales. People will know in the way they feel, how their clothes fit, the portion sizes they’re eating themselves. And that’s much more about changing their minds and their attitudes to food. It’s about them taking control, setting their own targets, and finding the confidence that they have when they are reducing their weight, knowing that longer term they can continue this themselves because their mindset and their habits have changed.

0:10:43 – (Amanda Wright): As they reach their goals, they get more and more enthusiastic about what they can do and they are in control of their eating habits. It’s a wonderful shift to see in people, and they become a happier, healthier version of themselves, as well as a slimmer, more healthy version. One of the really wonderful things that I hear usually after the first week of the four week program, is how people’s attitudes and mindsets have changed, how their awareness of food is changing.

0:11:19 – (Amanda Wright): And they’re quite amazed that they don’t feel that they’re hungry anymore. They don’t feel deprived, they don’t feel hungry, even though in most instances their portion size has halved. People also often find that some of their weight loss journey is about how much alcohol they drink. And this is something that we can also support people with.

0:11:47 – (Richard Sinclair): That’s extremely interesting. Amanda so the people that come to you, who do you find your client base is for? The virtual gastric band program.

0:11:58 – (Amanda Wright): Well, Richard, that is quite a range of people, but they all have one thing in common. Before I take on a new client, I need to determine if they have a compelling reason to want to reduce their weight. Nobody can come because their mother, father, boyfriend or whoever sends them here. It’s really important that they personally sign on and they have a compelling reason to want to reduce their weight.

0:12:29 – (Amanda Wright): Some people it’s for health reasons. Other people, it’s because they want to look better, feel better, or some have a particular event in mind that they want to achieve a certain look and feel for. Others come because they know that they are waiting on an operation and the doctor has told them to reduce their weight. Other people have other health conditions and knowing that reducing weight will support them.

0:13:01 – (Amanda Wright): So anyone can come and see me, so long as they’re an adult and they have a compelling reason, but they really do need to have that before I will work with them.

0:13:12 – (Richard Sinclair): Thanks for that. Amanda, people might be wondering exactly what sort of process they’re going to experience when they come to you for a session. Could you give an example of a typical virtual gastric band session? What kind of activities can people expect when they come to you?

0:13:29 – (Amanda Wright): Thank you. That’s a great question. I say to people, allow an hour and a half for the session. But even before that, I’ve always had a phone conversation or a zoom call with somebody who’s coming to see me to discuss their compelling reasons to want to reduce their weight. I send them a questionnaire and they fill that out before they come. So I have some idea of who is coming for the hour and a half session.

0:14:00 – (Amanda Wright): My sessions, I say allow an hour and a half over the four week, four session program. The first part of the session is outlining the eight golden rules that we work to each week and review these each week. The second part of the session is a tailored hypnosis session for the person sitting in front of me. Based on the questionnaire they filled out, I’m aware and they’ve explained to me what it is they want to achieve. So I tailor the session, the hypnosis session, the more traditional part of the hypnosis session, exactly for them and what they need to achieve.

0:14:46 – (Amanda Wright): And this is a very relaxing process where they close their eyes, they sit on a very comfortable couch and totally, totally relax. Everyone can achieve this state because all hypnosis is self hypnosis. And if they have a compelling reason to come and see me, hypnosis is just as easy as taking a few deep breaths in and deep breaths out and then following the sound of my voice. That’s as easy as it is. And this session, the first two sessions are an hour and a half, and sometimes the latter ones are an hour just based on progress.

0:15:31 – (Richard Sinclair): Thanks for that, Amanda. So a common question that people might ask is what exactly is hypnosis?

0:15:38 – (Amanda Wright): That’s a good question, Richard. Hypnosis is a powerful and effective tool that creates a natural connection between body and mind. Hypnosis can be used for many things, but in this instance we’re talking about weight reduction or losing weight. I use it for other things like anxiety, alleviating, pain, reducing emotional distress and improving sleep. But let’s stick to weight loss. Here I use calming, peaceful relaxation techniques and induce a hypnotic state that allows me to bypass the conscious mind and connect with the subconscious mind.

0:16:25 – (Amanda Wright): In this deeply relaxed state, we can resolve all sorts of negative behaviours and reverse them with more positive behaviours and provide suggestions, new suggestions to influence your weight and how you think about weight influence your thoughts behaviours at a deeper subconscious level.

0:16:50 – (Richard Sinclair): So thanks for that, Amanda. That’s given us a great overview of the Virtual Gastric Band program. Thanks for your insights today in this special edition of the Amanda Wright Hypnotherapy Podcast. This is your special time with the Virtual Gastric Band weight loss program.

0:17:11 – (Amanda Wright): Amanda Wright Podcast this is your special time. Thanks for listening to this official podcast of Amanda Wright this is your special time. I hope you’ve enjoyed our time together of me sharing suggestions and insights for you for your happier, healthier inspired life. Have a fabulous week, feeling absolutely fantastic, better than you felt in ages. And be sure to tune in next time you’ll find me on www dot hypnogenie

0:17:52 – (Amanda Wright): au and on all the podcast channels. 

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