Podcast 06: Hypnotherapy and Quit Smoking
Amanda Wright podcast. This is your special time. You’re listening to the official podcast of Amanda Wright. This is your special time. Sharing suggestions and insight for your happier, healthier, inspired life. I’m coming to you today from Perth in beautiful sunny Western Australia. Nobody wants anything from you right now, so tune in and enjoy this episode.
You’ll find me on www.hypnogenie com.au and on all the podcast channels. Hypnogenie is spelled H-Y-P-N-O-G-E-N-I-E, Amanda Wright podcast.
What is the cost of smoking addiction in today’s society? And what can we do about it? Hi, I’m Amanda Wright, Master Clinical Hypnotherapist. I want you to imagine a life where every breath you take is full of clean, fresh air. Picture your future where every day, brims with energy, vitality and vibrant good health. When it comes to quitting smoking, it’s not just a decision, it’s a commitment, a transition and above all a life-saving journey. My name’s Amanda Wright and I’m a highly qualified hypnotherapist based in Perth, West and Australia. I have a strong track record with success for people quitting smoking and I offer an effective quit smoking program, your golden ticket to a healthier future. And I’m here to share and give you some insights and hopefully some inspiration into how the addiction of smoking works and how you can overcome this addiction and get your life back on track so that you breathe only fresh air for the rest of your life.
Let’s face it, the statistics are startling as the Australian Bureau of Statistics wrote in 2010, 67% of smokers lose 10 to 15 years of their life due to smoking related illnesses. And smoking habits costing up to $10,000 per year for a 20 a day smoker in Australia. The financial and health implications, as you probably know, are very dramatic and significant. Despite these facts, quitting smoking is far from easy.
Many people have tried everything to quit smoking only to face failure after failure. This is where hypnotherapy comes in. I offer a tailored, personal, evidence-based approach to quitting smoking and I help clients transition from a life-marred with health effects and complications from smoking to a more resilient life full of vibrant good health, a non-smoking life and lifestyle.
My approach involves a deep understanding of your habits, behaviours and motivations to quit smoking. We look at why you smoke, when you smoke, and to ensure that we achieve the very best results, we need to clearly understand what it is that makes you want to quit and believe it or not, the extreme cost of cigarettes isn’t enough reason for most people to quit. It needs a much more personal, much more emotional connection to really fulfill that need, that desire so strongly so that quitting outwits all the other habits and behaviours that have existed in the past. So having a strong, compelling reason, or series of reasons is what we work towards to motivate you. So it makes it easier and more effortless. Here is some of the reasons that people give for wanting to quit smoking.
Many people, in fact most people say they want to quit for their health. over the years we’ve seen more and more information and evidence of the impact of smoking. Some say they want to quit smoking because they fear death. If they continue to smoke, they realise that this shortens their lives.
Other people are concerned because of the symptoms they have, coughs and colds, poor immunity. Others have difficulty breathing and many say that they notice particular things, that they used to be able to do like climbing stairs, that they can’t do anymore.
For others it’s about the premature aging, how they face their skin and their hair look and smell. Other people are more motivated because they want to set a good example to their children or their grandchildren. We’ve talked about money and expense.
Some people feel pressured, they feel like outcasts in society as smoking is now seen in Australia at least as an anti-social behaviour. And a very common reason is people feel that they’re being controlled by cigarettes and that is something that they certainly want to stop.
But everybody has their reason, and some have multiple reasons and these are the compelling reasons that really drive motivations in this program and we work with these.
There is some good news however, from the moment you extinguish your last cigarette, your body begins an incredible journey of healing, recovery, and restoration. Within 20 minutes, blood pressure returns to its normal resting level. Within eight hours, oxygen levels return to normal.
Within 24 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the lungs return to those of a non-smoker and the mucus begins to clear.
After 48 hours, nicotine leaves the body and the taste buds start to do their job. allowing you to taste food and drinks in a very different way than you have as a smoker.
After 72 hours breathing becomes easier.
After 2-12 weeks circulation improves. a year your risk of heart disease is slashed by half, feeling your energy rise and the radiating improvement in your overall health.
After five years your risk of stroke aligns with that of a non-smoker, the chances of lung cancer decrease, freeing you from that shadow that once loomed so large.
And accompanying these physical benefits are the powerful psychological transformations that you feel as you break free from addiction.
You will regain control over your life.
You will have improved self-esteem and resilience.
And you will have a significant amount of money in your pocket, offering you the financial piece of mind to do the things that you’d really like to do.
Additionally, your choice to quit inspires all of those around you, seeing your strength and resilience and you making healthier choices. So yes, it certainly is worthwhile. The journey to a smoke-free life is a two-stage process if you work with me.
Firstly, I have an in-depth discussion to understand your motivations and readiness to quit smoking. This conversation provides insights into your underlying reasons for smoking and then When they’re used to shape and intensify your personal quit smoking session, I design each session especially for you.
Once I’m convinced that you’re ready to quit, we schedule your quit day.
The day you pledge to breathe only fresh air for the rest of your life. This day we have a hypnotherapy session that lasts about one and a half hours.
During which time you can relax and immerse yourself in the experience from the comfort of your own home through Zoom, or you can come to see me personally. Most people these days prefer the Zoom session where they can relax in their own environment.
I only work with clients who are genuinely committed to quitting. That’s how I maintain my very high success rate. I ask for your complete commitment to be absolutely ready to never touch another cigarette in your life and to follow all aspects of the program.
There is no point in paying for someone to quit smoking. It’s much more important that they personally invest in the outcomes of this program themselves. This aids them to succeed. In fact, I won’t see clients where somebody else is paying for their program, because they need to have the buy-in to achieve success. They really want to achieve.
After the session, I offer continued support and send a special individualized reminder for you of your achievement and the improvements in your health and wellbeing every day from the day you quit.
Choosing to quit smoking is a step forward to a happier, healthier, brighter future. And if you’re ready to take that step, I’m here to guide you through this transformative journey.
Amanda Wright, clinical hypnotherapy, offers not just a quit smoking program but a lifetime guarantee to a healthier smoke-free life.
If you’re ready to quit, contact me and book your session today and together we can make it happen and through the month of the end of May, the 31st of May, so into June I’m offering a discount on my programme for anyone who mentions my podcast.
That’s Amanda Wright. Master hypnotherapist, this is your special time. Have a wonderful week and I look forward to your company in my future podcasts.
Amanda Wright, clinical hypnotherapist in Perth and Bunbury.
Amanda Wright podcast. This is your special time.
Thanks for listening to this official podcast of Amanda Wright. This is your special time. I hope you’ve enjoyed our time together. Of me sharing suggestions and insights for you, for your happier, healthier and inspired life.
Have a fabulous week, feeling absolutely fantastic, better than you felt in ages, and be sure to tune in next time you’ll find me on www.hypnogenie.com.au and on all the podcast channels.
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