Amanda Wright Hypnotherapy

Change Your Mind Change Your Life - You're Worth It

Podcast 05: Hypnotherapy and Hypertension

Amanda Wright podcast. This is your special time. You’re listening to the official podcast of Amanda Wright. This is your special time. Sharing suggestions and insight for your happier healthier inspired life. I’m coming to you today from Perth in beautiful sunny western Australia. Nobody wants anything from you right now, so tune in and enjoy this episode. You’ll find me on and on all the podcast channels. Hypnogenie is spelled H-Y-P-N-O-G-E-N-I-E. Amanda Wright podcast.

Welcome. Today’s podcast, finding natural solutions to your high blood pressure, where I’m sharing insights and inspiration about how hypnotherapy can help reduce hypertension otherwise known as high blood pressure. Hypertension is sometimes referred to as the silent assassin because it can be asymptomatic and undiagnosed for years. So be sure to learn about the status of your blood pressure and take the necessary action. Always be sure to consult your doctor if you have high blood pressure and make hypnosis part of your well-being toolkit.

So today I’m honing in on what you can do when you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure and how I can help. Of course hypnotherapy is part of the solution. I’ll be using high blood pressure and hypertension interchangeably throughout this session. Because high blood pressure is such a serious concern that affects more than 34% of Australians. And more than 11% of these people are taking daily medication for effective management of high blood pressure.

As Western Australians, we pride ourselves on being healthy and irrepressible, but sometimes even the most resilient among us need a little help when it comes to our health and will be. So if you’re looking for natural ways to reduce your blood pressure, you are in the right place.

So what is hypertension? Hypertension is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the pressure of the blood circulating around the body as it’s pumped by the heart. When it’s consistently too high, it can cause health issues. Hypertension is a factor in 20 to 25% of all deaths worldwide. And in 90% of those cases, There’s no specific medical cause. Hypertension is the number one risk factor of death globally affecting more than one billion people. It accounts for about half of all heart disease and stroke-related deaths in the world.

Hypertension can reduce blood flow to vital organs such as heart, brain and kidneys and can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and other health problems. Hypertension can also significantly impact your healthy lifestyle and quality of life. It can lead to eye problems, damage to blood vessels in the eyes, and lead to vision problems and even blindness. It is associated with cognitive dysfunction, particularly cognitive impairment and dementia in older adults.

Hypertension can affect blood flow to the genitals, leading to sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Diabetes, high blood pressure, is a major risk factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and can make diabetes much more difficult to manage.

And today we’re focusing on how hypnotherapy can help you reduce your hypertension risk factors easily and naturally. Your doctor will be the first person to tell you that there are plenty of things that you can do to get your blood pressure back into the normal range and completely remove the risk factors that high blood pressure causes. There are many factors that can contribute to high blood pressure, including stress, poor sleep, salt intake, exercise, alcohol, excessive weight and medical conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease. They’ll tell you to lose weight. Doctor will tell you to exercise, eat less fatty foods, eat less salt and if you’re a a smoker to stop smoking.

And all of this is true, but it’s only a small part of the story. That’s because there’s a whole range of hidden, emotional and environmental factors, which cause blood pressure to rise in other wise, healthy people. These factors are what I call psychosocial factors or aggravators. They also include things like unresolved anger, conflict, guilt and a feeling of lack of control within your life or frustration.

And there’s also the environmental stresses such as noise, allergens and pollutions. Now long-term exposure to one or more of these factors creates an ongoing chronic stress response. And although you may have learned, accepted this as normal, it can add up over time and take its toll on you over a period of years. The positive news is that all of these emotional and lifestyle factors make up about 90% of all blood pressure cases. And most of us have a combination of these psychosocial risk factors, aggravators, which once identified, assessed and reframed can have significantly less impact on our lives and on our health and will being and ultimately our blood pressure.

That’s right, this is positive news for you. 90% of these emotional and lifestyle factors, these agribators can be improved. These are what doctors call primary or essential hypertension. Basically, the root cause of many of our concerns that impact on our blood pressure. So the chances are there are plenty of things that you can do quite easily that will put you back in control of reducing your blood pressure when you are aware of these things.

And when you can make these changes and sustain these changes, that’s where hypnosis helps. Hypnosis can help manage high blood pressure by reducing tension, stress and anxiety, which are negative influences on your blood pressure. It also helps to identify and work with these emotional and lifestyle factors providing you with new healthy habits. I work with you to determine the causes of your high blood pressure and help you manage these psychosocial factors, these aggravators. Hypnosis addresses the emotional triggers that over stimulate your nervous system and naturally reduces your blood pressure.

Controlled research trial in 2007 showed that hypnosis is effective in reducing blood pressure in the short term, in the medium term and in the long term. So that’s great news. Hypnosis is widely supported by research these days and as we know more and more about the brain body connection you’ll be learning more and more in research about the connection of hypnosis body, mind and health. Just last year I learned of a significantly higher success rate of an internationally recognised programme to manage high blood pressure.

In fact, I was so impressed with the positive results of this programme I sought to become I’m an accredited practitioner in Australia. I’m now delighted to offer in-person or online sessions that provide behavioral coaching, hypnosis, and cognitive therapies to support you and help you make changes to manage your high blood pressure and effectively change it in the longer term. This program works in conjunction with your medical practitioner and supports the treatment of the medical conditions contributing to secondary hypertension.

I received specialist training to help people just like you to reduce blood pressure so that you can look forward to living longer, happier, healthier life. This program includes potentially life-saving techniques to reduce your blood pressure long-term. As a hypnotension practitioner, I can help you identify and address the emotional and lifestyle factors that are unique to you, that will help you.

With the help of this program, you too can lower your blood pressure and perhaps even return it to the normal range. Think about this, even in the worst case, if you only manage to reduce a couple of points in your blood pressure numbers, It would still slash your risk of dying from a stroke by 12 to 14% and it would slash the risk of heart disease approximately 9 or 10%. Pretty good figures really aren’t they?

Most people achieve more than this, some between 20 and 40% reduction in just weeks. You see when you work with me either in person or online, I work with your general practitioner to help you back to better health. This means that even if you’re using medication or if you want to lower or control your blood pressure, I can help you address the underlying factors that cause high blood pressure. As your blood pressure reduces naturally, your doctor may be able to reduce your medication over time.

And imagine just how good it will feel when you walk into the doctor’s surgery and you have the doctor declare that you are free of high blood pressure. all that’s a really good and positive perspective for you to focus on. I offer you a natural and effective way to manage your blood pressure. The hypnotension program that I offer has been helping people throughout the world lower their blood pressure since 2003. The program works in conjunction with your medical practitioner and supports the treatment of your existing medical condition.

The hypnotension program is generally a six-week package that includes cognitive behavioural therapies, personalized recordings as well as hypnosis sessions. It’s individualised for you to help you make lasting changes in your thoughts, emotions and behaviours to change your overall health and wellbeing. Your thoughts and emotions have an impact on your physical health including your blood pressure and your heart health.

And hypnotherapy can help you significantly improve your blood pressure, helping you take back control of your life and reduce your high blood pressure and its impact on your health and lifestyle. So make a commitment to yourself today to take some direct positive action to take back control of your hypertension, your high blood pressure and bring it down to a level that’s much safer for you. So call me on 0400-517-470 to find out more or book your appointment.

Also be sure to consult your doctor if you have high blood pressure and make hypnosis part of your well-being toolkit, working in conjunction with your medical practitioner. me today to manage your journey towards lowering your high blood pressure and taking back control of your health. A man to write helping you to live a longer happier, healthier life so that you can feel absolutely fantastic better than you felt in ages. So have a fantastic week. Amanda Wright, Medical Hypnotherapist, here in Perth, online or in person. Amanda Wright podcast, this is your special time.

Thanks for listening to this official podcast of Amanda Wright. This is your special time, I hope you’ve enjoyed our time together of me sharing suggestions and insights for you, for your happier, healthier and inspired life. Have a fabulous week feeling absolutely fantastic, better than you felt in ages and be sure to tune in next time. You’ll find me on and on all the podcast channels.

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